One thing everyone can agree on is that golf is one of the most frustrating games on the planet. You can play great one day and follow it up the next day with one of your worst performances ever. 

Few golfers can admit to never having slammed a club or – even worse – breaking one in anger after a bad shot. But, what if there was something available on the course that would give you an outlet for that anger without breaking a club or injuring yourself.

Meet the Bogey Bag.

In the words of its inventor, Steven Schnobrich, the Bogey Bag was born out of his own frustrating stretch of golf. “I was joking with my uncle that we’d love to have a punching bag on the golf course so we had something to take our anger out on. So I started coming up with an idea that was barely functional beyond a few good punches.”

Simply put, the Bogey Bag is a redesigned speed bag that fits almost any golf cart. Hanging from a post on the cart, the bag can spin 360 degrees around its crossbar. It’s a satisfying way to let off a little steam.

While the idea seems like a no-brainer, the Bogey Bag’s path to reality was unusual. Schnobrich had no training as a designer. Instead, the finance major at the University of New Hampshire said he was lucky to have access to several great resources.

“The university had an entrepreneurial center with a maker space to encourage inventors. I was able to use a 3D printer, a laser engraver, a CNC mill, and industrial sewing machines. In two years, I went through over 100 iterations of the bag using continuous trial-and-error. I enjoyed the process and it’s amazing to see the response to our finished product.”

Throughout the process, Schnobrich took the bag to the course so people could see it. People loved to try them out, take pictures, and post videos on their social media feeds. It was social media that put the Bogey Bag into the spotlight, with a popular Instagram account sharing it with their followers.

“Sales skyrocketed after that share,” said Schnobrich. “We went through 30 percent of our inventory in no time. The question is whether or not we can sustain that traction.”

What started as a DIY project has turned into a high-quality product, featuring a leather speed bag, a stainless steel rod (to attach to the golf cart), and a high-tension spring. While the bag was designed in the United States, the final parts come from all over the world. Schnobrich said the price may be a little high, but he wanted the materials to hold up to wear and tear in a high-stress environment.

The Bogey Bag is now available for purchase at Get your hand – or fist – on one today.


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